
Payment Orchestration

Orchestrate your online, offline, in-person and cashless payment ecosystem with dozens of supported payment methods, gateways and providers.


Payment Channels

Store everything you need for a seamless and contactless experience.

Online Payments

Card Processing & Pay by Bank with dozens of payment providers.

In-Person Cashless and Softpos Payments

Process in-person card-present and cashless transactions on-site.


Reseller interface and APIs for 3rd party payment processing.

Point of Sale

Setup any number of point-of-sale stations for in-person payment processing.

Payment Orchestration Features

Omnichannel Payment Processing

Authorize and capture payments across online, in-person, mobile, and phone channels seamlessly.


Refund cancelled orders or wallet balances to users.

Payment Fees

Set and calculate payment fees to be absorbed or passed on.

Multiple-Payment Methods

Offer attendees multiple payment methods during checkout.

Currency & Country Routing

Route payments to different processors based on currency and country.

Limits & Expiry

Set payment limits and expiry time for orders and invoices.

Tenant Payment Methods

Set tenant-level payment methods to be used across all merchants.

Merchant Payment Methods

Allow merchants to set-up their own payment method and accounts.

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